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How to set your fitness goals correctly

by The WODProof Team

Do you have something you want to accomplish, but don’t know how to get there in an attainable way for you?  Whether it’s doing 5 minutes of activity a day, lifting a certain amount of weight, or running a personal best time in a CrossFit®️ wod, everyone has something they’d like to achieve.  

But, let’s be real.  We can’t expect to accomplish these goals within a week.  Getting to where you want is a long, gradual and personal process.  


So, think about your long-term vision; what would you like to accomplish in a few years?  Now, break that goal into a few shorter-term goals and include dates and times of when you’d like to get there.  Channeling all of your energy into achieving each of these goals one at a time will bring you satisfaction.    

The WODProof app will hold you accountable to accomplishing your goals.  Recording your workouts helps you follow your progress to make sure you’re staying on track.


Setting goals gives you long-term vision and short-term motivation.

Here’s our tip to make sure you set you goals SMART-ly – make sure they are:







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