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Quarterfinals 23 FAQ

Most frequent questions and answers

We are here to help, and you can also contact us at support@wodproofapp.com

Have you looked for your video in your camera roll already?

If yes, and you didn’t find your video:

First of all, the video is safely saved on the app!


Apple devices sometimes need to ‘rest’ after long recordings (phones heat up after long processing). Older and more occupied devices succeed in saving the video to their camera roll several hours after recording. 🙂 


— DO NOT DELETE THE APP. Deleting the app will delete the locally saved recordings as well. –


Please follow each of these steps:

  1. Make sure you have the latest app version of WODProof. You can check this through the App Store

  2. Go to your device Settings >> General >> Background App Refresh >> turn it off for all apps

  3. Ensure WODProof has access to your photo gallery (iOS settings >> WODProof >> Photos >> Access to all photos

  4. Ensure 6GB+ free storage on your device

  5. If you backup your photos to iCloud, please ensure 6GB+ free storage on iCloud

  6. Restart your device (turning the phone off and back on) also helps in many cases

  7. Close all other apps working in the background

  8. Close and reopen WODProof and try saving again


Additional steps:

  1. Save to another application, and not to your camera roll – You can upload your video to Google Drive, iCloud, send via Apple AirDrop, or any other application on your device.

  2. Upload the video to YouTube through the app


Lastly, you can Record your screen while playing the video through the app (click on the video to play it).


If you are still experiencing issues, please contact us at support@wodproofapp.com and we will answer you as soon as possible.


Some additional info about why it might happen and the solution:

* Recording a long video in HD resolution can be a hard process for some devices, as it requires a lot of internal phone memory (it’s not the storage of the iphone) to run all the process at the same time. In some cases, the mobile can simply stop recording, or have a failure saving the video file when a lot of other processes are running at the same time.

To avoid such situations, we show a pop up message that recommends closing all unnecessary applications before you hit the start recording button.

In addition, we’ve added the safety mode offering you to try to save the unsaved video, instead of letting the iPhone to “give up on this hard process”.

Every workout you record with WODProof is saved to your photo gallery (under “WODProof” folder). 

Even if you fail to upload your video to YouTube through the app, you can quickly go to the YouTube app on your phone and upload it directly from there. 🙂

Go to your WODProof App profile -> Workouts -> recordings tab -> look for your video and click the “Upload to YouTube” button.

Right after that, you’ll be able to copy the YouTube URL and submit it to your CrossFit Open leaderboard.

You can open your YouTube app on your Android device and select your Open video from your  WODProof folder in your Android mobile gallery.

Please click on the start workout button and get into the start recording screen.


1-Press start recording (blue button).

Now you can do the introduction part and show your equipment, standards etc…

2- Whenever you ready, the second click will be on “Start timer” button. This will activate the countdown and the timer right after.

3- After you complete the workout and got the best score ever, you can click stop timer. Now you can still show the final weight or anything else to the camera (you are still recording). NOTE: If you had a countdown workout (AMRAP) or a workout with a time cap, you will immediately move to step 4 as the timer already stopped.

4- Press stop recording, and you will see the video saved on your mobile. (iOS = camera roll, and Android = WODProof Folder in your gallery).

That’s super simple! From the workout tab on WODProof, just enter the Open dedicated area and record your Open performance and the GOLD Badge will automatically added to your Open performance video!
*** Get ready to get the coolest highlights video ever – created automatically with WODProof Bionic AI algorithms ***

From the workout tab -> go to the qualifiers area and select the Open workout! 
Record your Open performance and the GOLD Badge will automatically added to your Open performance video!

This will be available over the next few days. We are working on a fix to add back that functionality.
There will be a 3-dot button on the top of the workout once it’s back in, and you’ll be able to delete it easily.

P.S: The videos in your profile are private and only you can see them 🙂

1. Please close all apps running in the background. A long HD recording can consume a lot of effort from your device. We’d like to ensure that your device can focus on a smooth recording, and not on handling more applications.
2. Please check that you have at least 4GB of storage space on your phone before recording. If not, it may be a great time to clean up some old videos in your photo library!
3. For additional caution, go to your iPhone settings >> General >> Background App Refresh >> and turn off ‘Background App Refresh’ for the duration of your session.
4. Last but not least, don’t let anybody ruin your recording. You can turn on Airplane mode to ensure you don’t get any calls from people asking how your Open workout was.

WODProof is the most trusted time-stamped recording tool for your Open workouts, but we are not the score submission platform. Submit your official scores on https://games.crossfit.com/

Don’t forget to share your highlights video on social and tag @wodproofapp #myopenhighlights

Please open the WODProof Menu -> Training Programs / Communities -> WODProof Community


This is how you can share your score and video (the original video is save to your mobile’s gallery):

Share scores to a community leaderboard – video.


You can find your video in your camera roll (IOS) or in your gallery in WODProof album (Android).

WODProof vision was to enable our users to share and inspire the community with their full-length videos. It could cost our users a lot of money to have an unlimited storage package in WODProof, so we found the best free solution for you. Upload your performance to YouTube and just add your video URL to your post.

YouTube allows video uploads that are up to 15 minutes long. If you try to upload videos longer than 15 minutes, the upload will fail. This is a YouTube limitation and not WODProof limitation.

In order to upload longer videos, please follow this manual.


First of all, we are here to help, and you can also contact us at support@wodproofapp.com

Have you looked for your video in your camera roll already?

If yes, and you didn’t find your video:

First of all, your recording is saved on the WODProof app, and you can also upload it to YouTube 🙂


Step 0. Ensure you have the most up to date iOS version (5.3.7+). If not, update your app (DO NOT delete the app, just update, and if there’s no update, DO NOT delete the app anyway until you follow the steps below or contact our support – as long as the video is there in the app, we’ll be able to save it).


1. Open the iPhone settings-> scroll down to WODProof -> check the app permissions, and check if WODProof access to your “photos” is allowed.

2. Please make sure that you have enough free space (minimum of 6GB storage available on your device, especially if it’s a 20-30 min recording).

If you backup your photos to iCloud, please ensure 6GB+ free storage on iCloud

3. Close all other open apps.

4. Go to Settings >> General >> Background app refresh >> stop all background app refresh.
5. Go to your WODProof App profile -> Workouts -> recordings tab -> look for your video and click save to camera roll once again (with and without WiFi (WiFi OFF)).

6. Didn’t work? send us an email, and in the meantime you can always access the video through the app, and you can upload it to Youtube via the app to ensure it’s saved to the cloud.


Some additional info about why it might happen and the solution:

* Recording a long video in HD resolution can be a hard process for some devices, as it requires a lot of internal phone memory (it’s not the storage of the iphone) to run all the process at the same time. In some cases, the mobile can simply stop recording, or have a failure saving the video file when a lot of other processes are running at the same time.

To avoid such situations, we show a pop up message that recommends closing all unnecessary applications before you hit the start recording button.

In addition, we’ve added the safety mode offering you to try to save the unsaved video, instead of letting the iPhone to “give up on this hard process”.


Most frequent questions and answers

You can find your video in your camera roll (IOS) or in your gallery in WODProof album (Android).

YouTube allows video uploads that are up to 15 minutes long. If you try to upload videos longer than 15 minutes, the upload will fail. This is a YouTube limitation and not WODProof limitation.

In order to upload longer videos, please follow this manual.


WODProof vision was to enable our users to share and inspire the community with their full-length videos. It could cost our users a lot of money to have an unlimited storage package in WODProof, so we found the best free solution for you. Upload your performance to YouTube and just add your video URL to your post.

When you finish the workout you have automatically a new post with everything but not yet with the video.

The video saved to your mobile (IOS will save to the camera roll, Android to a WODProof folder in your mobile’s gallery).

You can upload the video to youtube and then edit your post, (that can’t play the video) and add the youtube URL (link) and press save.

After that, it will appear with the video in your profile and you can also press on the 3 dots and then “set as public” post.

Why do we do that?

Since we want to allow our users to submit and save videos for free, without paying for cloud storage.

You can also see a video of how to submit videos/scores to an existing post as we described:


How to submit new videos/scores from scratch:


If you are looking to upload your branded logo or a logo for a training program/ personal trainer or a gym, we will upload it for you to the app if you will have an active Coach Package subscription

You can post an unlimited amount of full-length workouts.

Keep inspiring us! We are waiting to see your performances.

Your thoughts matter and we’d love to make WODProof even better for you!
We’ll appreciate if you will contact us by emailing to contact@wodproofapp.com and tell us if you have any idea.

It depends on your choice.

Unless you’re a private account, anyone could watch your profile and public posts.

Private accounts are visible only for their approved followers.

Just set the specific post to be private.

Don’t worry. You can make it public again whenever you like.

Unfortunately, Android does not provide a direct access to your SD card for securities reasons. Therefore, we can help you to copy the video to your SD card right after the video been saved to your internal storage. We are still waiting for a better solution provided by android so you could save your videos directly to your SD card.

Please make sure you don’t connect your band to the mobile’s Bluetooth through the settings page. Connect the WODProof Band from the WODProof app ONLY.
If you did try to connect from your mobile (settings-> Bluetooth-> WODProof band), please go the Bluetooth settings again and press “forget device”.
Then connect your band this way.
If you have an Android device, please make sure that the location/GPS is on when you try to connect the WODProof Band.
If none of this helps, please contact us by email or through our Facebook page.
For more WODProof Band videos please visit our YouTube playlist or read the user guide.

Open the WODProof App -> Menu -> Connect C2 -> Follow the instruction on your WODProof App screen.

Watch this video to see how it works.

In the new C2 machines, there is a “Connect” option on the main page. If you don’t have a new machine, you probably have an old PM5 Firmware, update now