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January 25, 2021 11:49 am Published by Leave your thoughts

In order to improve my overall weightlifting abilities, I have to work on my:

1. Mobility
2. Strength
3. Technique
4. All answers are correct

What does EMOM stand for:

1. Every minute on the minute
2. Every Movement Maximum Effort
3. A quick workout that takes few minutes
4. To do as many reps as possible

What is the WODProof Academy?

1. A special WODProof program for Crossfit coaches
2. A place where you can study to be a coach
3. Full training programs for athletes at any level, built in the PRO Package
4. An expensive training programs resource

Where was the 2020 CrossFit Games?

1. The Ranch - Aromas California
2. Dream beach - Venice Beach California
3. Wynwoodland - Los Angeles California
4. The Ranch - Carson California

What we had never seen in the Open?

1. Rowing machine
2. Assault Bike
3. Handstand walk
4. Ring muscle ups

What's the name of Noah Ohlsen's famous dog?

1. Jack
2. Dino
3. Snatch
4. Max

Thuri Helgadottir was born in Iceland, and a few years ago she moved to:

1. Italy
2. Switzerland
3. Germany
4. Cookeville

Sara Sigmundsdottir has her own gym in Iceland, how does it called?

1. Sara's town
2. Sara's gym
3. Simmagym
4. Dottirland

The youngest age category in the 2021 crossfit games is:

1. Boys and girls 16-17
2. Boys and girls 14-15
3. Boys and girls 11-12
4. Boys and girls 17-18

TRUE OR FALSE: WODProof PRO Package allows you to connect to any Concept2 erg and broadcast the meters and calories to the WODProof video at the same time?

1. True
2. False

TRUE OR FALSE: WODProof has a new top-level gymnastics grips available in Carbon and Microfiber?

1. True
2. False

Lieutenant Michael Murphy, inspiration for the Hero WOD “Murph”, was a CrossFitter and member of this elite unit:

1. Navy seals
2. Marine corps
3. Air force
4. Coast guard

If I want to go RX in the Open, what is the wall balls target height I should use?

1. 9 ft Male - 8 ft Female
2. 10 ft Male - 9 ft Female
3. 11 ft Male - 10 ft Female
4. Both Male and Female at 10ft

The oldest age category in 2021 crossfit games is:

1. Men and women 35-39
2. Men and women 40-44
3. Men and women 55-59
4. Men and women 60+

Death by is:

1. When you Are being hospitalized by a workout
2. When you get injured by a movement
3. When you want to kill your coach
4. An adding reps game until failure

All 15 questions completed!

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